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from awareness to action

What matters and is close to my heart is Emotional Intelligence.  Want to increase self (and other) awareness? Enhance empathy and improve conflict resolution? Build positive relationships and meaningful connections? Make better decisions to boost business outcomes? Move with increased flexibility and less stress? 

More than technical experience, IQ, or even postgraduate degrees, emotional intelligence (EI) has become one of the most sought after skill sets... It’s what distinguishes top performers and outstanding leaders. Good news... EI is totally learnable! You can learn, strengthen, and apply your EI skills to get the results you want. 

Let's journey together to apply these skills to positively differentiate yourself, build deeper relationships, and pave a path toward fundamental transformation.

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my presence as a coach

I see the need for meaningful connection in relationships and the power of being vulnerable and exposed with others. I want to bring that experience to as many people and organizations as possible, to achieve their highest potential. The goal of my practice is simply to anchor people to their own internal strengths and character wholeness by applying transformational experience and emotional intelligence to the seasons of life and work.

Leaning into 30 years of experience in corporate and small business organization, as well as my own personal grace and internal strength through intense emotional hardship creates the basis of my insight. My orientation and structure is research based, and one that I have studied and am competent in. I have a deep passion for getting the best out of people, influencing people towards a common mission and moving growth forward.

My commitment to you: 1) listen deeply, 2) question boldly, 3) challenge action and 4) whether it’s success or struggle be focused on you -- meeting you exactly where you are, with acceptance, grace, truth and love. I am for you.

I am writing a new story.
One that has new values, new goals, and new behavior. This story does not include fearing failure, fearing rejection or experiencing shame.



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